Monday, August 29, 2011

Tutorial: 5 Step Baby Car Seat Strap Covers

Car seat strap covers are so quick and easy to make! Plus you can make these a custom design by choosing your own fabric. It takes less than an hour to make, so get started! If you use two different fabrics, you've got yourself reversible strap covers. I have used this size of strap covers with my daughter's infant car seat and now with her convertible car seat. 


1. Cut out two 6"x6" squares of each fabric and two pieces of batting the same size. 

2. Put your fabrics right sides together with the batting on top or bottom (it doesn't matter). Sew these together with a 1/4" seam. Leave a 2" opening to turn inside out. 

3. Cut your corners & turn the square inside out.

4. Pin your opening and sew around the outside of the square still with a 1/4" seam. I started sewing at the beginning of the opening and then went over it again at the end as a form of double stitching/reinforcement. 

5. Cut 2 strips of velcro approximately 5" long. Sew those on one side to each side of the square by sewing around the perimeter of the strips. Here are my two strap covers showing a velcro strip on each side. Excuse the fact that my velcro strips aren't the same color, I ran out of the white velcro with my first strap cover! Who will really see it, right?? As a side tip, I put transparent thread on the top stitch so it wouldn't show on the velcro. White thread would work as well. 

You're all done! Enjoy your cute strap covers!

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