Monday, September 26, 2011

Tutorial: Crib Dust Ruffle

I couldn't believe how quickly I was able to make a dust ruffle for my soon-to-be baby's crib. Now I'm contemplating making one for my king size bed! Oh boy. 

Forgive me for not having step-by-step pictures, but really this is a VERY simple and straight-forward tutorial.

Supplies Needed:
2 yards of fabric for underneath the mattress
3 yards of fabric for your dust ruffle (about 3 times the length of your crib sides)
*These measurements are based on a standard size crib*

1. Cut your fabric for underneath the mattress 28" x 50".

2. Cut your ruffle fabric 3 times the length of the side it will be sewn on to. I first cut strips of 12 1/2", then made them 150" long for the two sides. For the short side of the crib I did 12 1/2" x 84".

3. I hemmed each panel of my ruffle fabric by doing a rolled hem on my serger. I did this to the short sides and one long side to prevent any fraying. 

4. Ruffle the remaining long side.

5. Sew your ruffle fabric onto the other one (right sides together). I did a rolled hem again on my serger.  With each panel, leave an extra 3 inches on each side to sew to the next panel so you have extra coverage on your corners. 

Done! Enjoy your incredibly cute and custom-made dust ruffle! 

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